TS Sydney - Australian Navy Cadets

Ever thought of a career in the defence forces, looking to meet new people, want to have some fun on the weekend, love the water? Then Navy Cadets it is

Training Ship Sydney is a unit in the Australian Navy Cadets (ANC) and a member of the Reliance Flotilla.

The ANC is a youth organisation sponsored by the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) and consists of over 90 units across Australia. Cadets learn about sailing, seamanship, develop leadership and communication skills.

TS Sydney parade every Saturday from 0800am until 1600pm. Regular weekend postings are held where cadets stay at the unit from Saturday until Sunday afternoon.

What activates we do..

✦Power Boating
✦Range Shooting
✦Armed & Unarmed Drill
✦Action Based Learning (ABL)
✦Ship Visits
✦Sea Rides on RAN vessels

Government organization